Sunday, January 9, 2011

10 Most Unusual Animals in the World

01. Western Tarsier (Tarsius bancanus Horsfield)

The eyes of such a super small primate are not only disproportionately big — each of its eyes is bigger than its brain — but it also has the most strange night vision eyes in nature. The western tarsier jumps from one tree to another using its huge feet and strong back legs to look for insects and small invertebrates as food.

02. Sloan's Viperfish

One glance at this fish and you might have nightmares because of its horrible head and exposed long and short teeth. But normally people would have a hard time encountering it because it lives in the deep sea about 1,000 to 2,000 meters under the surface.

03. Red Uakari

This kind of ape has shocking red head and also an interesting name given to it by the South Americans. They call it the "British monkey," which is to commemorate the first batch of British people who came to this piece of land with red sunburned faces.

04. Matamata Turtle

The Matamata turtle may reach a length of 18 inches and is bizarre in appearance. The shell is exceedingly rough and knobby. Each lamina (horny plate) is cone-shaped and bears very well-marked growth rings.

All of the Matamata's specializations are directed toward one goal: its mode of eating. This turtle has the habit of lying on the bottom of the water, where its head and neck are excellently camouflaged by the various protuberances, which break up the outline, and also by a layer of algae which usually grows on the shell.

When small aquatic invertebrates or fish swim near the Matamata's mouth, it opens it suddenly and widely and simultaneously expands the neck. There is a sudden inrush of water, which generally carries the fish in with it. The turtle then ejects the water, swallows the fish and starts again. The capacity of the mouth is quite astonishing.

05. Fog-basking Beetle

The exterior of this beetle is nothing special. However, the way it drinks is most peculiar. It lives in the Namib Desert where there is a deadly lack of water, so when wind brings fog from sea to the inner land on a morning you will find a fog-basking beetle standing on his head on top of a sand dune with his bottom in the air.

06. Lowland streaked tenrec

The Lowland Streaked Tenrec is a small tenrec found in Madagascar, Africa. It grows to 19 centimeters and weighs up to 275 grams. It mainly feeds on worms and grubs and does not have a tail. It lives in groups of 15 or more animals.

The species is distinctive in appearance by its two-tone color with a black background and yellowish brown strips running the length of the body. Its fur is coarse with barbed spines and a dense patch of spiky yellow bristles on its crown.

07. Axolotl

Axolotl, with a scientific name of Ambystoma mexicanum, is a fascinating creature for a number of reasons, including its grotesque appearance, its ability to regenerate and primarily the fact that it exhibits the phenomenon known as neoteny. Ordinarily, amphibians undergo metamorphosis from egg to larva (the tadpole of a frog is a larva) and finally to adult form. The Axolotl, along with a number of other amphibians, remains in its larval form throughout its life. And its leg, even brain and spinal cord all could regenerate.

08. Babirusa

The babirusas are a genus, Babyrousa, in the pig family (Suidae) found in Wallacea, or specifically the Indonesian islands of Sulawesi, Togian, Sula and Buru. All members of this genus were considered part of a single species until recently, the babirusa, B. babyrussa, but following the split into several species, this scientific name is restricted to the Buru babirusa from Buru and Sula, whereas the best-known species, the north Sulawesi babirusa, is named B. celebensis. The name "pig-deer" has sometimes also been used in English and is a direct translation of the Indonesian babi-rusa.

09. Nasalis larvatus

The animal is called "orang belanda" or "Dutchman" in the Malaysian language because its big belly and nose are just like those of European colonists in local residents' eyes in early years.

10. Umbonia spinos

The insect, which is also called as "thorn bug," is a huge fan of imitation. Some of the bugs have thorn-like umbo, which lets them imitate dead leaves. However, if their disguises are compromised, they can jump and run immediately using their strong back legs.


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